Monday, January 18, 2010

Depression Nerves What's A Great Natural Herb That Is Good For The Nerves And Depression?

What's a great natural herb that is good for the nerves and depression? - depression nerves

I'm depressed lately and I do not enjoy the things I used enjoy.I 've been with a prescribed medication, but the way I feel fear and jittery.I prefer to take something for my problem, which is natural and not hard on my liver.I "also managed to isolate myself and did not want to deal with the people in all.It is not a good feeling at all and I know it can not be a problem.I feel the joy and the feeling that I m constantly sad about something that I think I have any options as far about.What natural herbs and medicines?


Miss All That said...

I am a cup of tea, kava kava now. Exactally I know how you feel. I think if you have this unpleasant feelings of anxiety kava really helps. I also found that the mark "Yogi Tea" variety Kava Stress Relief works better than the pills I've made.

They are probably the reports of liver damage in Europe, are probably related to kava. Personally, I found reading the information, and are not suitable. South Pacific islands used kava for hundreds of years in much higher doses than recommended for the consumer and no evidence of increased liver disease in this population.

It is a decision you have to do it yourself.

I also recommend taking milk thistle regularly to the liver only drugs metabolized by the liver and protect environmental toxins.

Good luck to you, I hope you find relief from anxiety and depression.

Miss All That said...

I am a cup of tea, kava kava now. Exactally I know how you feel. I think if you have this unpleasant feelings of anxiety kava really helps. I also found that the mark "Yogi Tea" variety Kava Stress Relief works better than the pills I've made.

They are probably the reports of liver damage in Europe, are probably related to kava. Personally, I found reading the information, and are not suitable. South Pacific islands used kava for hundreds of years in much higher doses than recommended for the consumer and no evidence of increased liver disease in this population.

It is a decision you have to do it yourself.

I also recommend taking milk thistle regularly to the liver only drugs metabolized by the liver and protect environmental toxins.

Good luck to you, I hope you find relief from anxiety and depression.

peaceand... said...

Please make sure that everything you safe course for you.
I have the soul of wit, without knowing that someone should not be used with a history of kidney stones. Not all natural remedies safe or effective.

GlassHal... said...

St. John's Wart to help depression.

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