Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hydrocodone For Interstitial Cystitis What Will Help The Pain Of Interstitial Cystitis Besides Knonopin, Hydrocodone, Meth Recovering Addict In Pain

What will help the pain of interstitial Cystitis besides Knonopin, Hydrocodone, Meth recovering addict in pain - hydrocodone for interstitial cystitis

It is a drug specifically for IC called Elmiron. It coats the bladder like Pepto Bismol coats the stomach. You can also try Vistaril (an antihistamine) and Elavil (a tricyclic antidepressant). All of these drugs can relieve pain and frequency. Some patients find that changes in your diet can help control symptoms. The idea is to avoid foods and beverages that may irritate the bladder, too. Here are some foods that the association of interstitial cystitis can cause irritation of the bladder.

Ripened cheese
Sour Cream
Fava and Lima Beans
Most fruits except blueberries, honeydew melon and pears
Rye bread
Sourdough bread
Sausages, processed, smoked, canned, or that contain nitrites
Almonds, unless pine and cashew nuts
Citrus juice
Cranberry juice (Although cranberry juice is often recommended for urinary tract infections, may worsen IC symptoms may worsen)
Artificial sweeteners

Experts recommend that you do not stop eating these foods at once. Instead, try eliminating one by one to see if it helps alleviate.


kiikart said...

Have you been thinking about going through detoxification in a hospital? You really need an antibiotic and you should see a doctor. You have crossed a serious problem here, and I advise you to seek help. Good job on the front of the back though! Keep up the good work, and although it can be very painful both physically and emotionally at first, eventually you will feel much better!

Good luck:)

kiikart said...

Have you been thinking about going through detoxification in a hospital? You really need an antibiotic and you should see a doctor. You have crossed a serious problem here, and I advise you to seek help. Good job on the front of the back though! Keep up the good work, and although it can be very painful both physically and emotionally at first, eventually you will feel much better!

Good luck:)

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