Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Refinance First Mortgage Mortgage Refinance When Is The Best Time ?

Mortgage refinance when is the best time ? - refinance first mortgage

Mortgage refinancing is not an easy decision, when the best time to refinance?


peppylyn... said...

It all depends on your goals if you are refinancing. Looking for a better deal? If the prices are really low bath. With a view to consolidate debts? To do this, if necessary, but make sure that fees are not bad. Looking to get a fixed rate? Compare prices and you do when you approach the end of this weapon.
I work for a company, title, and I know that a key factor in refinancing to find a good loan officer. I saw many, many bad and good. If you have some concerns that they want to send my family, I shot an e-mail and I would like to share.


ne11 said...

It is expected that interest rates will rise in the coming months.

Only when you refinance an arm and starts toward a fixed fee, or if you get a lower rate of 1.2% points below the current price, and if you stay at home for at least the next 2 - - 5 years . Calculate how much you actually save per month by refinancing before signing on the dotted line.

Do not fall into a range advertising plan artificially low. See attached list of fees for refinancing.

Take your home equity to debt with the car or to pay by credit card. Most real estate markets are soft and may remain so for several years. If circumstances change and the need to sell quickly, too, has an additional debt to pay. Just to refinance the balance of the original loan. It is doing the right thing.

Rick said...

Low interest rates, but that's clear. If you have a debt of great interest, such as credit cards, loans, car payments, etc.. then there is perhaps something to consider. Get out and stay out of debt credit card. So much money in interest. Refinance its debt and interest you will save money. I did not too long, and ultimately save more than $ 300 per month in payments.

If you refinance to refinance only to you would be well advised to invest the majority of the other party. But try to advance some money and go have fun. You've earned it.

~common sense~ said...

when interest rates are low,

Here are some suggestions
http://www.ehow.com/how_2002256_time-ref ...

~common sense~ said...

when interest rates are low,

Here are some suggestions
http://www.ehow.com/how_2002256_time-ref ...

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